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Potty Training Tips For 3-Year-Old Boy

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Potty training is an essential skill in a child’s life. And while you might feel excited to reach this stage, getting a 3-year-old boy with resistance can be an uphill task. For that reason, I compiled some clever potty training tips for a 3-year-old boy to help smoothen the journey, even if you’re dealing with a strong-willed young man with no patience.

I’ve lived with my nephew Ethan for almost a year after his mom put him to bed with a set of twins. Honestly, the stubbornness of that young lad was nothing compared to any of my daughters. 

It even got worse whenever I tried to train him. Luckily, some tricks and tips softened his strong-willed nature, and we got it rolling without fighting. 

The tips I used with Ethan are what I’m about to share with you, and I’m hopeful they’ll work for you too. 

Potty Training Tips For 3-Year-Old Boy

Get The Right Potty Training Gear

Avoid potty’s that are too high because you might scare your toddler because most of them are scared of heights. A child-size potty is your best bet for now. You want to ensure that the potty allows your son to lean forward and his feet comfortably on the ground.

Start Slow And Make It A Routine

We already know that boys are strong-willed. You don’t want your son to feel like you’re pushing something down his throat, so you’d have to start slowly and then create a routine once he gets the rhythm. 

The easiest way to do that is by asking your son if they want to go to the potty now and then. You might get surprised by a “Yes” answer, which is how you get the ball rolling. 

Don’t Forget The Praises

After successfully using the potty, let your boy know you are super proud of him. Potty training is a big deal; thus,, you want to ensure you deliver the praises whenever he goes there. 

Remain Patience

You need to remember that potty training is more than just a one-time lesson. You have to encourage your boy to use the potty consistently. There are many drawbacks along the way, but don’t let them get the better part of you; focus on the positive side. 

According to experts, most children take upto six months to learn the process. Girls take a short time to learn, while boys take longer. 

Watch Out For The Signs

Now you’ve gotten rid of the diaper, and your toddler seems aware of wet pants. Some signs might come with this awareness, and you must be watchful. When your toddler starts to hold their private parts, cross his legs, or jump up and down, take him to the potty fast. 

Get Some Fun Potty Training Gear

You’d agree with me that sitting on the toilet seat without something fun and exciting is boring. The same way you’d want your phone in the bathroom as you go is the same way your son would want to get some fun while having a bowel movement. 

Make the process fun by purchasing some books to read while at it or playing some video games, or even singing. 

Don’t Forget A Travel Potty Everywhere You Go

You want the potty training lesson to stick in your boy’s mind even when you’re not at home. A good travel potty can be a good investment during this period because your toddler can use it anywhere you g

How Can You Know Your 3-Year-Old Boy Is Ready For Potty Training?

If your boy has started staying dry for longer, it could be a physical indication that they are ready to be potty trained. Another sign is that your boy hides to have a bowel movement. 

Kids are unique, and your son might not necessarily show these signs, but by the time they are three years old, they are mostly ready for potty training. 

Some toddlers are excited about using the potty and even develop awareness when they soil their diapers. 

While we expect most toddler boys to be ready by the time they are three years old, some factors may delay the process, like delay in milestones development, emotional problems, or physical hindrances. 

Signs that Your 3-Year-Old Boy Is Ready For Potty Training

Your Son Can Communicate

Communication is essential in potty training; training a child who hasn’t started communicating yet can be challenging. 

I have an 11-year-old child with special needs, and it took us forever to get rolling with potty training because my child hadn’t developed her communication skills. 

If your boy can make simple requests like saying he’s hungry or sleepy, it might be the best time to start potty training. 

Another sign of communication is if your boy understands what you tell him. It reaches a point where toddlers love being sent on small errands. If you’ve reached that stage, the potty training bells are ringing. 

He’s Showing Signs Of Independence 

If your boy has started demanding to do things by himself, it shows he’s becoming independent.  It even gets better when you have an older kid (s), and he wants to sit on the potty like the older sibling. 

He Doesn’t Like Soiled Diapers/ Clothes

If your son feels uncomfortable staying with wet diapers, it’s an excellent opportunity to start potty training. I love this new awareness because you have an excuse to explain why they should use a potty. 

They Poop On a Schedule

When a child is younger than a year, it is hard to track their pooping schedule. But as they grow, it becomes predictable because they go almost the same time daily. 

If your three-year-old son has developed a poop schedule, it indicates he’s ready to be potty trained. 

He Mimics What Adults Do

If your three-year-old son has started mimicking what adults do around your home, like cleaning the dishes, using the computer, and gardening, he’s ready to start potty training. Besides those actions he’s mimicking, there’s going to the toilet, which he should be taught by now. 

Ability To Undress On His Own

Another indicator of readiness is your man trying to pull his pants down. If you’ve seen him trying to undress, then you might show him what goes next after undressing. Other toddlers would hide to poo or pee, and that is also a sign they are ready. 

Your Boy Shows Interest And Is Curious

Curiosity is good, and if your child wants to know what happens behind the closed bathroom doors, you need to start potty training him. Some try to sit on the potty, and you can show them how to use it. An excellent way to do this is by putting the potty inside the bathroom and pretending that you are going as he sits on the potty. 

After you’re done, you want to ensure that you model good bathroom behavior, like hygiene after using the toilet, and trust me, your son will be looking forward to those sessions. 

How to Prepare Your Child for Potty Training

Get Rid Of The Diapers

You have successfully started potty training, and now your son can stay dry for a long. The next thing you want to do is to get rid of diapers. 

Your son now feels like a mini adult because he’s doing everything you are doing. Going back to diapers after a short while of potty training is like taking a step forward and two back, leaving you at the same point. 

Teach Him The Importance Of Hygiene

Let your son learn how to wipe himself properly after visiting the potty and how to wash his hands afterward. 

Embrace Loose Clothes

It’s time to let go of the tight-fitting and hard-to-pull-off pants and get your son pants that he can easily pull down. 

The easier it is to remove the pants, the less mess you will deal with. 

Place The Potty Chair In The Bathroom

You want to avoid complicating things by placing the potty in odd places where your child might not reach it. There are two options, you either place it in the bathroom or in a place where your son spends the most time. 

Choose The Right Words

You must choose the right words to identify your child’s body fluids. Avoid negative words and words that can be hard on the boy. I know urine and poop are smelly and disgusting, but using those words is not good. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When to start potty training your toddler?

You can start earlier, but most experts recommend starting at 18 months. However, you need to check for the signs that indicate that your toddler is ready to start potty training. 

When should a kid be fully potty trained?

If you were lucky enough to start the potty training journey early, your kid should be fully trained by the time he is 36 months old. 

Gloriah Mnyaki
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