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Productive Teenage Activities

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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Wondering if there are there any productive teenage activities to keep your teen busy at home?

Worry no more because this article will discuss incredibly productive teenage activities for your teens during the holidays. 

Being a parent to a teen is an exciting experience, especially when you look back at how the journey has been. 

Sometimes we feel like our teens are too bored and have less to do compared to when they were younger. 

The activities and games they used to play as kids are not fit for them anymore because they feel like mini-adults. 

Having some productive activities to keep teens engaged can be an ideal way for them to spend their holidays. 

Besides keeping them engaged, productive teenage activities help your teen acquire new life skills that are essential in their lives. 

Remember, they are teens with so much time to pursue their interests and learn new things. 

And that is why we need to allow and encourage them to try out new exciting, yet productive activities. 

Without further ado, here are some of the productive teenage activities your teens can try at home, including outdoor activities. 

Productive Teenage Activities At Home


Teenager reading a book
Image by Ina Hall from Pixabay

Teens who love reading are always hungry for knowledge, and books can never be enough.

You must go out of your way to ensure your teen has enough books to read during their holidays. 

Sometimes purchasing books might seem hectic, and that is why we have local libraries everywhere. 

Do your teen a favor and get them a library membership so that they spend their free time reading fresh books.

Learning A New Instrument

The good thing with our teens is they’ve got several interests and opportunities to learn something new. 

There are several instruments that your teen can choose from if they love music. You can also enroll them for music classes online or hire a vocalist instructor to take them through the journey.  

Enroll For An Online Course

At this point in life, there are so many mini-courses your teenager can sign up for online, depending on their interest. 

You want to equip your teenager with life skills that will help them in the future and show them how to acquire these skills while they are still young. 

I love Skillshare and the courses offered on the website because they are broad, so your teenager will always find something to keep him/her busy. 

Learn To Crochet

I’m the kind of mum who loves teaching my kids new skills that are not online. Although we learn a few other skills from Skillshare or Youtube, I also love offline courses. 

Some of us are lucky enough to be multi-talented; thus, we use our skills to keep our teens occupied. 

My daughter loves crafting and crocheting, and we try as much as we can to learn something new every holiday. 

You can teach your teenager how to crotchet a scarf, a cardigan, small blankets, or anything that might interest your teen. 

Start Journaling

A journal
Image by CharuTyagi from Pixabay

Some kids start journaling as early as kindergarten, while others take time to learn the art of journaling. 

If your teen hasn’t mastered the art of journaling, this might be the right time to do it. In this time and era, journaling has many advantages as part of daily rituals. 

According to this research, journaling helps teenagers to use their imaginations, create natural talents and realize self-possibilities and interests. 

Create Goals

Another productive and super helpful activity for teens is to create their life goals. I know you think it’s too early for that, but they should start figuring out how they want their lives to be. 

Talk to your teens about their future and how they want it to be. Make it a fun topic by discussing their hobbies and how they can help them in their prospective careers. 

Sometimes it can be overwhelming when they set long-term goals, so you can have them list their short-term goals. 

Create Art

Teenager getting productive through art
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Art is another productive yet therapeutic activity that teenagers might want to try. The teenage stage is the most overwhelming stage caused by rapid body changes.

There might be no better way to channel your teens’ interests than having them create a piece of art. 

They can start with anything, painting, photography, or pottery. There are several art classes that you can enroll them to learn artistic skills. 

Gardening And Yard Work

Gardening is the best of teaching your teens how to produce their own food. You don’t need a large garden; you can even try gardening in sacks and pots. 

Flow with your teen’s interests. You might want to try veggies, and they want to plant flowers, let them explore, and have fun without telling them exactly what to do. 

Baking Training

If you’ve noticed that your teen is interested in baking or cooking, you might want to encourage them to practice often.

Skills and talents are nurtured, and you never know; you might be raising a vast hotel owner or a bakery CEO. 

Buy items and ingredients to boost your teen’s morale and create a conducive environment to practice and try new things in the kitchen. 

Create A Budget

Financial literacy is another essential virtue/skill every teen needs to adopt. We should start teaching them how to create a budget and how to stick with it. 

In just a few years, your teen will be a college student and maybe get a part-time job,  they need to learn how to manage what they get as salary and handouts. 

Without a proper budget, they will grow up mismanaging their finances and in a sham of financial debts. 

You can use several platforms to teach your teen how to manage their budget, and the best way is using Excel sheets. 

Research On Colleges

Teenagers are high schoolers who hear about colleges more often. It’s now the right time to research colleges your teen may want to enroll in by helping them choose. 

One thing you need to remember, though, is that you are only helping them brainstorm, not choosing for them. 

It’s even much better when you allow them to go through the process of picking their ideal college. 

You only need to provide your teen with the necessary resources to explore and think critically about what they want. 

Doing Laundry

Woman doing laundry
Image by Alterio Felines from Pixabay

If you’re a sweet parent who prefers doing everything for your teens, you might want to change the routine and indulge them in some chores. 

Talk to your teen about helping out and show them by doing the first few rounds, then let them take over. 

We all want to raise a generation of independent people, so this activity is listed as one of the most productive teenage activities. 

Productive Teenage Activities (OUTDOORS)

We’ve discussed several indoor productive activities that will keep your teen busy.

In this section, we will discuss some of the best outdoor productive teenage activities your teen can engage in during holidays. 

Volunteer Work

One can do many things to get satisfaction and joy; putting a smile on others is one such thing. 

Volunteer work involves taking time to help others and charity work. 

Your teen can decide to help clean the animal park, spend time at the old age homes, and teach underprivileged children in children’s homes.

Such deeds teach your teen to be grateful for what they have in life and create a sense of empathy and responsibility in them. 

Learn Different Languages

There are many advantages to learning multiple languages. You can enroll your teen in a language training institute or sign them up for online classes. 

Learning different languages can help your teen 

Visit A Sports Camp

Teenagers in a sports camp
Image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay

Some kids naturally love sports and will be more excited if they get a chance to visit a sports camp. 

Engaging in sports activities is fun and a good way for your teen to stay fit. Besides that, your child acquires special skills like leadership and team building. 

While you might think it’s all for fun and fitness, sports can be a career path, especially if your child is good at field sports. 

Computer Course

We are in a world where computer literacy is critical, and all youths must be well-equipped with computer skills. 

Your teen can enroll in an introductory computer course and advance to coding, computer language, and website design. 

These skills are not only an essential addition to their resumes, but they can also use these skills to set up their business in the future. 

We have people out here who want to own websites, and because they dont have the necessary skills, they have to partner with website designers. 

Your teen can offer these services, earn a living from the skills, or even build their own websites. 


I used to think teens were too young for internships, but that’s not the case now. Internships help your teen become productive and prepare for the professional world. 

You can search online for high school internship opportunities in a company or field your teen intends to work in and become an intern there. 


Teenagers have a lot of energy and need to be guided on where to channel this energy to become productive.

Try your best to direct your teen to do things that benefit them now and in the future. Encourage your teen to reduce screen time and engage in things that challenge their brain for a better future.

Gloriah Mnyaki
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