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When Should A Toddler Be Potty Trained

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So, when should a toddler be potty trained? Potty training is more hectic for parents than for toddlers. In my case, it was a roller coaster of dramas. My little girl loved potty, but it was for the wrong reasons. And I wonder where she got the idea of turning the potty into a car. 

Having struggled with the process, I decided to help you because why not? So in this article, you’ll know the right age for the toddler to be potty trained, signs that indicate they’re ready and tips on how to get it done swiftly.

When Should A Toddler Be Potty Trained: The Right Age

According to HealthyChildren.Org, a child should be ready for potty training when they become aware of their bowel movements and can follow instructions. 

At that time, the child’s average age is estimated to be between 18-24 months. And by the time a child hits 36 months, they are supposed to be fully potty trained. However, I decided to start early because my child seemed clever and hit milestones faster than her siblings. 

That means you don’t have to wait until your baby hits 18 months for you to start potty training them, and you don’t have to force them to start early, either.

Signs Your Toddler Is Ready To Start Potty Training

Besides understanding instructions and becoming aware of their bowel movement, other signs might indicate that your baby is ready to start potty training. Check them out here:

Your Toddler Shows Interest In Using The Potty

If you have other older kids that have a small age gap between them and toddlers, then this process can get a lot easier. 

My older child used to leave the bathroom door open whenever she went in and would carry the potty for her sister. Within a short while, the young lady would sit on it without any prompts from her sibling. 

If there’s no elder sister or brother, your toddler might follow you to the bathroom, and that might be the time to start introducing potty training. 

Your Toddler Stays Dry For Longer

Usually, a child will wet their diaper within two hours, especially during nap time. If your child doesn’t wake up with a wet diaper after 2-3 hours of sleep, that might indicate their bladder control capacity has increased. You can easily start by telling her to go to the potty after every two hours to create a routine.

Your Toddler Goes Into Hiding, Then Come Back Wet

Fidgeting or hiding when they want to go is another sign that your toddler is ready to be potty trained. You might notice them squatting, grunting, or freezing before they pee too. 

A child ready to start potty training is aware of what is about to happen before they mess on themselves, and they might also point to their diapers to show you that they’ve gone. 

On the other hand, a child who is unaware can wet their diapers and go on with their usual business as if nothing happened. 

Your Toddler Can Undress Herself

Another indicator is your baby trying to undress or walking to the bathroom. Most toddlers start pulling their pants down at about 18-24 months. Besides the need to ease themselves, our young ones have no other reason to do so. 

This is the time you have to start potty training, and while at it, ensure that you don’t dress your toddler in tight-fitting pants that may be hard to pull down.

Your Toddler Hates Wet Diapers

I love to refer to such kinds of kids as the “clean-kids”. While other kids go ahead with playing or sleeping when they wet their diapers, the “clean-kids” want the diapers off as soon as possible. 

While the habit can start early, it might be the best clue that your toddler is ready for potty training. 

Your Toddler Can Follow Simple Instructions

If you can send her on a little errand, like passing over the remote control to you, then your toddler can start the journey of potty training. 

Your Toddler Can Walk And Can Communicate

Some toddlers may not tell you verbally what they want but can use signals to ask for something. If your baby can walk and communicate, they can start potty training. 

Don’t rush your baby to start potty training if they can’t walk properly because an accident might occur before they get to the bathroom. 

When Should A Toddler Be Potty Trained?: Potty Training Tips

Avoid Negative Words

You want to use the right words when referring to your baby’s urine and poo. Avoid words that make the fluids seem bad, making them feel weird when they go. 

Place The Potty Where Your Toddler Spends Most of the Time

You want your baby to get acquainted with the potty, so you must make them get used to it. Cheer him on to sit on the potty with clothes and throw in a dirty diaper so that they get the concept of what the potty is for. 

Avoid Using Diapers

If your baby has started showing signs of being ready for potty training, you must stop using diapers because they might slow down the process. 

Switch to pants and let them feel they have outgrown diapers. 

Get a Potty Chair

A potty chair can have a removable container underneath to collect pee and poor. There are many types of potty chairs, so it might be easy to pick one. I got the Mickey Mouse-themed potty chair from The First Years, and honestly, my daughter loved the potty trips more than I expected.  

Create A Routine For Potty Seat Trips

Potty training, just like any other form of training, requires routine. Start by seating your toddler on the potty seat early in the morning, immediately they wake up. For boys, they can urinate seated, and after they get good at it, teach them how to do it while standing. 

Get Potty Training Books And Toys

Potty training should be fun; you want to spice it up with books and toys to keep your young one busy. 

Teach Your Toddler Proper Hygiene 

They learn better when still young; that is why you should teach your toddler proper hygiene after a trip to the potty. Teach your girls to wipe themselves using tissue from the front and back with their legs spread. After that, they should learn to wash their hands immediately after they’re done. 

Dont Forget A Word Of Praise

Make it a habit of praising your toddler after they use the potty well. Avoid giving them a treat or any form of punishment. Toileting needs mastery and should be treated as such. Use nice words like “ Woow! you used the toilet so well. I’m proud of you”. 

There are days when your toddler might fail to do the needful, but you dont need to punish your baby. Just remain calm and direct them on how it should be done.

By this point, you know when a toddler should be potty trained. With the points I have shared above, you will realise that the process gets easier. They’ve worked for me, and I’m optimistic they’ll also work for you. 

Gloriah Mnyaki
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